In the Superintendent's Report, Dr. Brett Belmarez congratulated FFA Sponsor Domingo Garcia and Skidmore-Tynan's own FFA District President Trevor Dragon for successfully hosting the FFA Gateway Leadership Conference at the S-T ISD Events Center. Dr. Belmarez also reported that the High School and Junior High campuses qualified to apply for a special Texas Educators Excellence (TEEG) Grant for the 2008/09 school year.
Action items on the agenda included:
• Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Adjusting Trustees Terms and Changing the Trustee Election Schedule. Trustee terms were adjusted to a 2 year election cycle with Trustees Rick Olivares, Ysrael Salinas, and Ken Haggard terms expiring in 2008 and Daniel Gonzales, Cipriano Guerra, Esequiel Ortiz, and Keith Petrus terms expiring in 2010.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Designating the Bee County Tax Assessor-Collector as the Skidmore-Tynan Independent School District Tax Assessor-Collector During the Negotiating Phase of the Tax Collection Contract. This item was approved.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution for Skidmore-Tynan Independent School District to Provide for the Ad Valorem Taxation of Goods in Transit Pursuant to the Texas Constitution and Texas Property Tax Code 11.253. This Item was approved.
• Consideration and Possible Action to Re-Affirm the Local Optional (20% or $5,000; whichever is greater) Homestead Exemption and the Early Tax Payment Discounts of 3% in October, 2% in November, and 1% in December. This item was approved.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of Contract for Football Stadium Restroom Expansion and Renovations. This item was postponed indefinitely by administrative recommendation due to misinterpretation of the project specifications by the bidding contractors.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution for the Extracurricular Status of the Bee County 4-H Organization. This item was approved.
• Discussion and Possible Action to amend Board Policy BDD local, to appoint the Board's designee to seek legal advice or information from the district's legal counsel as allowed per legal firm's contract. (Mr. Salinas). This item was approved by a 5-1 vote with Trustee Keith Petrus dissenting.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of Construction Delivery Method(s) for Packages A, B, C, and D from the 2007 Bond Referendum. This item was approved.
• Consideration and Possible Approval to Nominate a Board of Director for the Bee County Appraisal District. This item was postponed to the next regular board meeting for lack of nominees.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of Preliminary Design and Solicitation for Proposals for Package B (Elementary PE Pavilion and Campus Covered Walkways). This item was approved.
• Consideration and Possible Approval of Personnel Recommendation(s). There were no recommendations at this time.
The next regular meeting of the S-T ISD Board of Trustees will be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 8, 2007.
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