A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Skidmore-Tynan ISD was held January 14, 2008, in the S-T ISD Event Center Board Room.
Superintendent Dr. Brett Belmarez reported enrollment is currently at 756. Construction on the elementary pavilion has begun with a projected completion date of May 1st. Updgrades and repairs to the Bobcat Stadium restrooms are underway and construction of campus-wide covered walkways will begin soon.
Agenda items included:
Evaluation of Superintendent of Schools. Trustees rated Dr. Belmarez' performance over the past school year as having "exceeded expectations."
Consideration and Possible Action to Renew the Superintendent of Schools Employment Contract. Trustees unanimously extended Dr. Belmarez' contract through 2011 and awarded him a 4% increase in salary.
Consideration and Possible Approval of Proposed District Goals for January through December 2008. This item was approved.
Consideration and Possible Approval of Bus Purchase through the ESC-2 Multi-Regional Purchasing Cooperative. Trustees approved the purchase of two new buses.
Consideration and Possible Action to Accept a Portable Building Lease Agreement. Trustees agreed to a 13 month lease agreement for an interim ag/technology center pending construction of the new facility.
Discussion and Possible Action to Clarify or Modify Current Practice of Formulating/Finalizing Board Meeting Agendas (Ysrael R. Salinas). No action was taken on this item.
Consideration and Possible Approval of Contract for Professional Services from Lovvorn & Kieschnick, L.L.P., Certified Public Accountants. This item was approved.
Consideration and Possible Approval of Contractual Agreement to Renovate the Running/Walking Track at Bobcat Stadium. This item was approved.
The next regular meeting if the S-T ISD Board of Trustees is scheduled Monday, February 11, 2007, at 6:00 p.m.