Saturday's Bobcat Little League Turkey Shoot suffered a setback when a landowner neighboring the Hilltop Saloon complained about shotgun pellets damaging the trees on their property. Local law enforcement was called to the scene resulting in the closure of the event. Bobcat Little League Board Members were disappointed in having to cut the fundraiser short but fully appreciate the concerns of the neighboring property owner. To remedy the situation, Hilltop proprietor Jim Kirk plans to reposition the shooting range so that stray pellets are sure to land on his own property. Despite the setback, Bobcat Little League raised close to $200 over the course of the afternoon. The league would like to thank the Hilltop Saloon for sponsoring the event. Thanks also to Board Members, Thelma Zavala, Candy Chambers, and Richard Chambers for coordinating the Shoot, and Ed & Wanda Wilson for providing a barbecue pit for selling chicken and sausage wraps.
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