Sunday, October 31, 2004

Signal 1st Annual Halloween Costume Contest

Okay, we didn't actually plan a Halloween costume contest. It just sort of evolved on the spur of the moment and the results are far from conclusive considering the relatively small number of Halloween revelers that actually passed down Signal Street. But disclaimers notwithstanding, here are the unscientific results:

Happy Halloween

The ghosts and goblins were out Sunday night, along with quite a few superheroes, princesses, commandos, and wolfmen. A nice gusty breeze out of the southeast kept things reasonably comfortable as a cold front threatened from the north. Thankfully, the front arrived too late to affect the holiday celebration.

These guys know how to do Halloween right.

You gotta hustle to beat the competition.

It takes all kinds.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

2004 S-T Fall Festival

The community turned out in force Saturday to attend the 2004 Skidmore-Tynan Elementary and High School Fall Festivals. The Elementary Festival consisted of the usual fun and games along with new outside vendor booths featuring various arts and crafts. 2004 marks the first year the High School festival was held entirely in the new Events Center as opposed to the High School and old gymnasium. The setting may have been different but the traditional Cake Walk, Bingo, and Barbecue Plate Sale ensured that everyone had a great time.

Joseph Lara leads a little cutie on a pony ride.

The ever-popular 3 liter soft drink ring toss.

The Honorable Reverend Hollis Stubenthal joins a young man and his lovely... uh... bride in a mock wedding ceremony.

Bingo always brings in the big crowds!

Coaches Hellums, Arroyo, and Grimes called the numbers.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Sports Pics

A Bulldog defender dramatically, yet unsuccessfully, attempts to block a Bobcat punt in Thursday's Junior Varsity game.

Joe Casarez and Zach Petrus scramble to recover the ball in the Jr. High game versus Three Rivers. Photo courtesy of Rob's Digital Photography.

And once again, Rob's Digital Photography was on the job taking lots of great shots of the Jr. High and Jr. Varsity games. If you haven't done so already, check out the many custom photo items (prints, calendars, buttons, etc.) you can purchase online at Rob's Digital Photography website.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Picking and Ginning - Part III

They say a sucker is born every minute. Read about one of them in the third and final installment of "Picking and Ginning," courtesy of Edwin Wallek Jr. The article can be found in Historical Notes.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Class of '83 Reunites

From left to right (maiden names): Roland Shepherd, Jacki Zak, Wayne Bonner, Tracie Baumfalk, Michelle Stautzenberger, Myrna Olivares, Sandra Arismendez, Elilah Cantu, and Kevin Allen.

The Skidmore-Tynan Class of 1983 kicked off their weekend reunion by attending Friday night's football game. The group was rewarded with a nice 22-0 win over the Taft Greyhounds courtesy of the Bobcat Varsity. The reunion continued Saturday with a gathering at Michael and Tracie Younts lakehouse.

At the lake: Paul Cramer, Tony Alcorta, Traci Baumfalk, Steve Prescott, Elilah Cantu, Michelle Stautzenberger, Gloria Elizalde, Sandra Arismendez, Wayne Bonner, Jackie Zak, and Roland Shepherd.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Bobcat Varsity Runs Down the Greyhounds

Allen Berthold evades the "hounds" in Friday's 22-0 win over Taft.

For lots more photos of Friday's game, plus the option to purchase prints, go to Rob's Digital Photography.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sports Pics

Adam Perez breaks one open against the Jr. High Taft Greyhounds.

We've got spirit!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

S-T Ag Farm Nears Completion

Skidmore-Tynan FFA members will soon have access to a brand-spanking new "Ag Farm." The new structure will allow convenient on-campus housing for animals being prepared for this year's stock show.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Lions to Host Turkey Shoot, Pancake Dinner.

The Skidmore-Tynan Lions Club met Tuesday at the Chisholm Trail Cafe. Rosemary Moore of the Galveston West End Lions was a special guest. Mrs. Moore is in town conducting vision screenings at S-T ISD. The Lions are preparing for two annual events including a Turkey Shoot Fundraiser at the Hoot Owl Sunday, November 14th and the popular "Pancake Dinner with Santa" to be held at the Chisholm Trail Cafe Sunday, December 5th. The Lions voted to move their monthly meetings to the 1st and 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m. to avoid conflicting with meetings of the Skidmore Historical Society.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Cats Win Homecoming Game 39-12 over George West Longhorns

Garrett Gonzales out-leaps a George West defender.

Adam Aguilar kicks one of many of the game's extra points.

The band looked sharp at halftime in their new uniforms.

The team celebrates the win.

Sports Pic

Alex Gonzales takes the ball around the end for a touchdown in Thursday's 7th grade game in George West.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Sports Pic

Junior Bobcat Little Leaguer Dual Herzog takes a big lead off first base.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Skidmore Museum Thanks Book Donors

The Skidmore Museum received two separate book donations over the last few months. Thanks first, to an anonymous donor - and loyal Signal reader, for the donation of Margaret Moser's two-volume History of a Particular Place - Bee County From the Days of the Spanish Missions Through September 11, 2001. The museum also received six Skidmore-Tynan school annuals to fill out the missing years in its collection of S-T yearbooks. The museum now has every yearbook from 1949 through 1971. Thanks to High School Principal Patty Holubec for facilitating the yearbook donation.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Picking and Ginning - Part II

Edwin Wallek, Jr. pens the second of a three-part story on "Picking and Ginning" in Historical Notes. Two down, one to go.

S-T Class of 83 Reunion

Kevin Allen writes to report that the Skidmore-Tynan High School Class of 1983 will reunite on the weekend of October 22-23, 2004. Why class members chose the 21st anniversary of their graduation as opposed to the more conventional 20-year time span is anybody's guess! The Signal suspects it has something to do with their collective rebellious nature. Details of the gathering are as follows:

Meet and Greet
When: Friday, October 22, 2004
Where: Skidmore-Tynan Football Field
Time: 7:30 p.m.

Family Fun Day
When: Saturday, October 23, 2004
Where: Lake House of Traci and Michael Younts
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Activities will include volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, washers and some water activities. The menu will be Brisket with all the trimmings and hamburgers/hot dogs for the younger crowd. Estimated cost per family is $20.00. Absolutely no alcohol will be allowed. Contact Kevin Allen for directions to Saturday's festivities and updated or late breaking information.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Bobcat Little League Elects 2005 Officers

Bobcat Little League held its Annual Meeting and Officer Election Tuesday. New officers for the 2005 Little League season are President, Ed Wilson; Vice President, Toby Salinas; Secretary, Candy Chambers; Treasurer, Rodona Boggess; Player Agent, Wanda Wilson; Information Officer, Keith Petrus; Safety Officer, Richard Chambers; and Umpire in Chief, Robert Henderson. The new board will hold its first meeting 7:00 pm Wednesday, October 20, at the Skidmore Dairy Queen.

Vintage S-T Annuals On Sale Friday

It's the next best thing to a time machine - fifty years of school history as recorded in S-T Yearbooks, available for purchase after Friday night's football game. See grandpa when he was young and funny looking!

Yearbooks and number of copies available for purchase: 1952 (2), 1954 (2), 1955 (1), 1956 (1), 1958 (11), 1960 (35), 1961 (9), 1962 (9), 1967 (8), 1968 (5), 1969 (14), 1971 (7), 1973 (10), 1974 (1), 1977 (2), 1978 (1), 1979 (13), 1980 (1), 1982 (2), 1983 (6), 1984 (11), 1985 (35), 1986 (4), 1987 (2), 1988 (17), 1989 (26), 1990 (27), 1991 (11), 1992 (2), 1993 (39), 1994 (28), 1995 (42), 1996 (23), 1997 (16), 1998 (19), 1999 (4).

Chisholm Makeover

An old wagon gets a fresh paint job.

Old-timers, coffee drinkers, and other regular customers of the Chisholm Trail Cafe found themselves out on the street last week as the restaurant closed for remodeling. Chisholm was back in business just in time for Friday's "All You Can Eat Catfish" special. In addition to a fresh paint job on the front-porch wagon and dinner bell, manager Dee LeCount reports that the downstairs non-smoking section now has a nice new ceiling.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Former S-T Grads Invited to Homecoming Festivities

Students of S-T ISD will spend the whole week gearing up for Friday's Homecoming game. The week will culminate Friday with a post-game fellowship gathering at the S-T ISD Events Center. All past S-T graduates are invited to attend. Homecoming week begins Monday, October 4, and each day leading up to the big game has its own theme as follows:

Monday, October 4
• Stuff ‘em up—Carry your favorite stuffed animal.

Tuesday, October 5
• Twins Day—Double Trouble for the Longhorns.

Wednesday, October 6
• PJ Day—Knock Out the Longhorns—Pajamas must be acceptable—pants, shorts, sleeves, etc.

Thursday, October 7
• Hunt ‘em down—Wear camouflage clothing today.
• Go to the JV game at GW at 5:00
• Burning of the S/T and bonfire/tailgate party (bring your own tailgate munchies) 7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.

Friday, October 8
• Spirit Day—Everybody wear purple and gold and show your spirit all day and at the game! Free face painting for all students (write S/T on your face or Bobcat paw)
• Pep rally at 3:00 in the gym
• Game at 7:30 (free admission for all face-painted students and 1/2 price admission for all former S-T grads wearing old S-T memorabilia—i.e. sports jackets, sweaters, FFA jackets, etc.)
• Homecoming court announced and presented at halftime
• Dance to D J Kermit and celebrate Homecoming 2004 from 10:00 -12:00 for all S-T graduates and students grades 9-12 only.
• Fellowship opportunity in the gym for all former grads from the 1800s to the present. A secret stash of old annuals was unearthed by High School Principal Patty Holubec and will be available for perusal or purchase!