Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Catholic Church Sponsors Visit to Shrine at San Jaun
The Immaculate Conception Catholic Church is sponsoring a great trip to the Shrine at San Juan in the valley on Saturday, March 6th. The bus will leave the Church at 7:30 a.m. and return by 8:30 or 9:00 p.m. Participants will attend Mass at the Shrine, tour the Shrine after the service, and enjoy breakfast, lunch, shopping, etc. in Progresso, Mexico. Great trip, great fun. The total cost is $25.00 per person for the bus ride. Food and shopping are on your own. About 10 seats are still available on a first come first served basis. Call Leo Franco at 287-3797 ASAP, or as a worst case scenario, show up at the church by 6:45 a.m. with cash in hand and take a chance on seats being available. -- Submitted by Reeys Falcon
S-T Lions Enjoy 4H Club Presentation
The Skidmore-Tynan Lions club met Tuesday night at the Chisholm Trail Cafe. The Lions were joined by members of the local 4H Club. Laurie Hudson, Lindsey O'Neil, Will Handy, and Christa Ayala gave an interesting presentation outlining the benefits of the 4H program to its members as well as the community at large. The Lions' Easter Basket Raffle is currently underway. The basket is on display at the Chisholm Trail Cafe where tickets may be purchased. Lion Russel Duggins announced a series of proposed Vision Screenings scheduled for the month of March which were promptly approved by the club. The first screening will be held Sunday, March 21, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Beeville beginning at 9:30 am. The second screening will take place at the S-TISD Cafetorium beginning at 10:00 am. Mr. Duggins' call for a vote to approve the sponsorship of a local Bobcat Little League team passed unanimously. The next meeting of the Lions Club is scheduled on March 9th at the Chisholm Trail Cafe.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Sports Pic
The Skidmore-Tynan Ladycats win Second Place in the Mathis Classic Tournament for the third year in a row.
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Little League Tryouts Fun for All
Bobcat Little League players show their stuff!
Bobcat Little League held the first of two scheduled tryouts on Saturday. A good number of boys and girls turned out to show off their skills. The league will hold a second tryout on Saturday, Feb. 28th. Boys ages 10-12 will try out at 10:00 am; girls ages 10-12 at 11:00 am; and boys and girls ages 13-14 at 11:30 am. The league would like to thank coach Darryl Hesseltine for use of the S-T High School softball field and his assistance in running the tryouts.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Hesseltine Hired as New Ingleside Athletic Director
The Aransas Pass Progress reported Thursday that the "The Ingleside ISD Board of Trustees will be selecting a new athletic director and head football coach at a special meeting Thursday night." Among the three finalists for the position was our own Graig Hesseltine. If appointed, Ingleside's gain is sure to be Skidmore's loss as Mr. Hesseltine has done an excellent job leading our athletics department. Go to the Aransas Pass Progress for the full story.
Update: S-T Athletic Director Graig Hesseltine has indeed been hired as the new Athletic Director of the Ingleside ISD.
Update: S-T Athletic Director Graig Hesseltine has indeed been hired as the new Athletic Director of the Ingleside ISD.
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Last Chance to Sign Up Your Little Leaguer
Bobcat Little League will accept final player registrations Friday, Feb. 20 and Saturday, Feb. 21. Friday's registration will take place at the Skidmore Dairy Queen from 3:30 to 7:00 pm. Late registrants may also turn in an application during Saturday's Tryouts from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Come on out and sign up your little ones for the inaugural season of Bobcat Little League!
Charles H. Blanton 1870-1913
Charles Horace Blanton, Nov. 24 1870, Dec. 29, 1913, Though lost to sight to memory dear.
The Signal presented a short history of its old-time predecessor to members of the South Texas Genealogy Society Tuesday night and good things have already come from the meeting. STGS secretary Shirley Garcia dug through back issues of their genealogical quarterly to find the obituary of the original Skidmore Signal editor, Charles Blanton. Mrs. Garcia writes "I took the liberty of looking for Charles Blanton's obit since you said it was printed in the STGS quarterly. It was pub. in Spring issue, 2003, Vol 15, No 1 and extracted from the Beeville Picayune, Thursday, 1 Jan 1914, pg 7." We were so pleased at the rediscovery of the obituary that the entire staff of the Signal headed out to cemetery to search for Mr. Blanton's gravestone (pictured above). The obituary follows:
Skidmore Editor Dies Chas. H. Blanton, for the past seven years editor and proprietor of the Skidmore Signal, died Monday morning at this home in Skidmore, after a week's illness with typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Blanton had been in good health for some time, and his demise was a shock to his Beeville friends, to whom his serious illness was not know until his death was announced. Mr. Blanton came to Skidmore from the Karnes County, where he was in the newspaper business for many years. He was a versatile writer and gave the people of Skidmore a splendid newspaper. He was a hale fellow well met and numbered all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance as his friend. To the widow and orphans the Picayune extends sincerest sympathy in their irreparable loss. The remains were laid to rest in the Skidmore cemetery Tuesday.
Despite Mr. Blanton's passing, the Skidmore Signal survived another 5 years under at least two other publishers including W. Dickson and Professor J.J. Jenkins. The Signal published its final issues in August of 1918.
Monday, February 16, 2004
Skidmore Signal Subject of Tuesday STGS Meeting
Some guy from the Skidmore Signal will make a presentation before the South Texas Genealogical Society Tuesday night. The meeting will take place at 7:00 pm in the conference room of the Joe Barnhart Library in Beeville. Potential topics of discussion include the original Skidmore Signal newspaper (published way back when), the new online Signal (or how NOT to make money in the publishing business), and just who the heck that Ed Sawyer fellow is. The Signal was informed there may be as many as four people in attendance at the meeting so come early for a good seat.
Boy Scouts To Hold Bar-BQ Fundraiser
Boy Scout Troop 456 will be selling Brisket Plates to raise money for their "5th Annual Boy Scouts Summer Camp." The plates are going for $5.50 and will be handed out at the Skidmore Fire Station Sunday, March 7 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. "Pre-Sale tickets guaranteed until 1:30 pm. Dine-In or Carry-Out."
Friday, February 13, 2004
Brett's Remembrance Page
I don't know who is responsible for the website, but there is a very nice remembrance page on the internet honoring Brett Michael Huser. It's full of photos and quotes from Brett's friends and family. The page is located at:
Update March 12, 2005: The memorial website mentioned above is no longer active. The new site is
Update March 12, 2005: The memorial website mentioned above is no longer active. The new site is
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Early 50's Baseball Team
Photo courtesy of Mrs. DuBois, Skidmore Historical Society & Museum
Jim Strong presented the Signal with the photo above. Mr. Strong, seen kneeling in the front row, was given the photo by Carol Dubois of the Skidmore Historical Society and asked to identify his fellow players. Mr. Strong's recollections are as follows: Back row from left to right; Ruben Shepherd, Charles Blaschke, Danny Amador, and Glen Beyer. Front row left to right; Robert Shepherd, Gilbert Gregorczyk, Dennis* Bohac, Jim Strong, Butch Kelch, Rodney Gregorczyk, and Billy Pickens. The gentleman standing behind the team is yet to be identified although Mr. Strong is pretty sure he was not the coach of the team. Anyone who knows the identity of the man or the first name of the Bohac boy, please leave a note in the comments link below. It is notable that the original Lions Club, chartered back in 1948, sponsored the team. The Lions Club disbanded in or around 1953.
*I believe this is Dennis Bohac. - Linda Sherrod
S-T I.S.D. Trustees Call for $2.2 Million Bond Election
At its February 9, 2004 regular meeting, by unanimous vote, the Skidmore-Tynan ISD Board of Trustees officially called for a Bond Election in the amount of $2.2 million to be used for the construction of a vocational and Career/Technology Building, an Elementary Pavilion, New Classrooms, and various facility upgrades. If there is a favorable election outcome, the District will sell bonds only if receives anticipated state assistance. The Bond Election will be held in conjunction with the Skidmore-Tynan ISD Trustee Election on May 15, 2004. Early voting for the election will be held at the Skidmore-Tynan Central Administration building from Wednesday, April 28th, to Tuesday, May 11th. There will be a weekend early voting opportunity on Saturday, May 1st. Election Day voting on May 15th will take place at the Skidmore-Tynan ISD Elementary School.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Little League Meets to Assign Managers
The Bobcat Little League Board of Directors met Wednesday night to discuss the appointment of managers for the upcoming season. Managers are appointed by the league president and will be announced in a matter of days. Ed Wilson was appointed Commissioner of the T-Ball, Machine Pitch, and Softball Divisions. Richard Chambers was named Baseball Commissioner. League Treasurer, Linda Cabrera reports the League firmly in the black with no expenditures to date. Secretary, Candy Chambers, reported on the ongoing blanket raffle. It was decided to hold the raffle during the final day of player tryouts on Saturday, February 28th. According to Player Agent, Thelma Zavala, there have been 128 children registered so far. Final player registration has been scheduled for Friday, February 20th at S-T Junior High (pending approval). T-Ball players of league age 5 and 6 can sign up at the reduced rate of $30. Regular registration is $40 for one player and $20 for each sibling. Players will also be able to register during Tryouts on Saturday, February 21st. A second round of tryouts will be held Saturday, February 28th. The league will hold a special meeting for Managers and Coaches on Wednesday, February 25th at a location to be announced. Lucy Rocha agreed to form a committee-of-one to handle sponsorship donations. Anyone wishing to sponsor a team may contact Lucy via email.
OBITUARY: Brett Michael Huser
Brett Michael Huser, 19, died Friday, Feb. 6, 2004, following a car accident in San Antonio. Visitation was held Monday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Galloway and Sons chapel. Rosary was recited at 7 o’clock that evening at the same location. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the funeral home, with the Rev. Greg Traylor officiating. Burial followed in Beeville Memorial Park. Pallbearers were Paul Salge, Austin Wright, Bob and Will Handy, Kyle Schmidt and Ryan Shmick. Honorary pallbearers were Donald and Keith Huser, Robert Adams, Raymond Fojtik and Stanley Schmidt. Brett was born in Beeville on July 18, 1984, to Douglas Michael and Desiree (Greenwood) Huser. He resided in Skidmore. He worked for Starbucks in San Antonio. Survivors include his parents, Douglas and Desiree Huser; a brother, Ty Huser, all of Skidmore; his paternal grandparents, Mike and Dorothy Huser of Beeville; his maternal grandparents, Dennis and Sharon Greenwood of Mathis; and his great-grandparents, Angeline Fojtik of Skidmore, Stanley and Zonia Wright of Houston, and Frances Mary Greenwood of Mathis. -- Galloway and Sons Funeral Directors
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Excerpts From Original Skidmore Signal
From the Friday, May 23, 1913 issue of the Skidmore Signal, published by Charles H. Blanton.
– W.T. Barnhouse and son were here yesterday and were pleasant callers at this office. Mr. Barnhouse formerly published the Headlight at Sinton, but recently traded the plant to R. W. Sparks for property in and near Falfurrias. The outfit has since been sold to the Sinton Democrat. Bro. Barnhouse says he has retired from the newspaper field and is now moving to Falfurrias to go into the hog raising industry on an extended scale. – Louis Schroeder and family are making an auto trip through the country, going as far as Galveston. – A new girl is reported at the home of J.R. Walker and wife, born last Sunday night. Shortly after 12 o'clock last night Operator Rutledge, who was on duty at the depot, sustained a serious, if not fatal, wound in the right chest. Those first on the scene found him on the waiting room floor and a few feet away a small calibre pistol which had just been recently fired and which was identified as the one usually kept in the office. The injured man was taken to Corpus Christi. The only person in the room at the time was a negro, who says he was asleep and woke up when Rutledge stumbled over him. It is believed Rutledge shot himself, either accidentally, or purposely. He is said to have family troubles. - 8 a.m. - Rutledge died before reaching Gregory. – Henry Kellner and G. Dornbusch and wife returned yesterday from a trip to San Antonio. – Joe Reinhart and family left Wednesday for Sublime to spend a few days with relatives and friends. – R.P. Ansley and family have arrived from Port O'Connor and are occupying the residence recently vacated by J.L. Beckham and family. We take pleasure in announcing to our patrons and the public that Dr. Craig, Expert Optometrist and Optician of San Antonio, will be with us again May 23 and 24 – Skidmore Drug Co. |
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Back to Back Tragedies
Our little community has been rocked in the last week by the deaths of two young people. Death is never easily accepted but all the more so when it arrives so very early, as in the case of Sonya Marie Vanecek, age 7, and Brett Michael Huser, age 19. As most of you know by now, Sonya Marie Vanecek, a second grader at Skidmore-Tynan Elementary, died suddenly last Sunday. We were saddened to learn Saturday afternoon that S-T graduate Brett Michael Huser was killed in an auto accident in San Antonio on Friday. It is impossible to imagine the sorrow the families of these two young people are experiencing. Please include them in your thoughts and prayers.
OBITUARY: Sonya Marie Vanecek
Sonya Marie Vanecek, 7, died Sunday, Feb 1, 2004, following a sudden illness. She was an active student at Skidmore-Tynan Elementary School and a member of the KJT Society of Sinton. She was preceded in death by her grandfather, Paul L. Vanecek, and her uncle, Mario Martinez. She is survived by her father, Clement Vanecek; a special friend, Sandy Kramer of Tynan; her brothers, Shane and John Vanecek of Beeville; her sisters, Reba, Heather, and Ashley Vanecek, all of Tynan; her mother, Lucy Martinez of Houston; her paternal grandmother, Agnes Vanecek of Sinton; her maternal grandmother, Amelia Martinez of Tynan; and numerous uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends. Rosary was recited Wednesday at 7pm at Dobie Funeral Home chapel in Mathis. Funeral Mass was celebrated Thursday at 10am at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Sinton. Interment followed at the Sinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Shane and John Vanecek, Joey Kramer, Paul Thomas, Hector Aguilar, and Pete Cuellar. Honorary pallbearers were Kenneth, Jerry, and Rudy Vanecek. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund has been established at Prosperity Bank of Mathis. - Dobie Funeral Home, Mathis.
Saturday, February 07, 2004
"Moser, Holubec to lead Mardi Gras festivities"
The Beeville Bee-Picayune reports in it's Saturday edition that S-T Elementary Principal Patty Holubec will serve as queen of this year's St. Joseph's Catholic Church Mardi Gras celebration. Read the full story online at
Elementary Students Rewarded with Pizza Party.
S-T Lion Russel Duggins hands out pizza.
Skidmore-Tynan Elementary students received a well deserved reward Friday. After pouring their hearts and souls into "Operation Shoebox" valentines to our troops overseas, the students were treated to a lunchtime Pizza Party at the school. The local Lions Club and elementary principal Patty Holubec organized the event in thanks to all of the students and teachers who worked so hard on the project.
A couple of happy customers.
Do You Qualify for the Weatherization Assistance Program?
Check your income against this Income Guideline chart (downloadable Acrobat file). Do you draw SSI? Are there children age 6 and below in your household? You may qualify for the free services of this program which is aimed at reducing your heating and cooling costs and making your home a more healthy environment. For an application or futher information on this program for Bee, Refugio & Live Oak Counties, call 358-5530. If you have friends or relatives in other areas needing these services, ask how to contact the agency for their area.-- Submitted by Ray Burris.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Little League Registration Going Strong
Bobcat Little League brought in over $2,000.00 during early player registration Monday and Tuesday. Registration continues through Friday at the Skidmore Fire Station at 4th & Refugio. The League lowered the fee for Tee-Ballers, ages 5 & 6, to $30.00 so let's get those little ones signed up! If enough players sign up at the Tee-Ball level, the league will consider playing games right here in Skidmore. Help Bobcat Little League make its inaugural season a success by spreading the word!
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
UIL Realignment Brings New District Opponents in 2004-05
The biennial UIL reclassification and realignment for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 school years was released Monday, February 2nd. Region 4, District 31-2A was realigned to include Skidmore-Tynan, Banquete, Freer, George West, Odem, Taft, and Three Rivers. The new alignments, established by enrollment figures submitted to the UIL by its member schools in October, will serve as football and basketball districts for the next two school years.
Monday, February 02, 2004
Sports Pic
The 7th Grade Bobcat Girls took 1st Place in Saturday's tournament in Port Aransas.
Members of the Skidmore-Tynan Junior High 7th grade boys and girls basketball teams hit the road Saturday to participate in the Port Aransas 7th Grade Basketball Tournament. The two teams competed against their counterparts from Port Aransas, Woodsboro, and Rockport-Fulton. The S-T girls team came away victorious after defeating first Rockport-Fulton B, then the home team from Port Aransas. Our 7th Grade boys did not fare so well, losing first to Woodsboro, then to Port Aransas in two closely fought games.
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