On May 12, 2007, voters will be asked to cast their ballot in a $3,900,000 Bond Election, the results of which, if positive, would lead to campus-wide improvements to the Skidmore-Tynan school system. Early voting is already underway and will continue weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the S-T ISD Central Office through Tuesday, May 8th. Voting on election day, May 12th, will take place from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the S-T ISD elementary school.
What Factors Led to the Capital Improvement Program?Most of the District’s current facilities were designed many years ago. The S-T ISD Board of Trustees, administration and a facilities committee determined that many improvements, replacements and repairs are needed to provide our students with proper learning facilities. The proposed improvements would resolve these items. Additionally, the District has deferred maintenance and upgrades to several district buildings over the years. Maintenance issues, the age of the structures, and an enrollment increase of more than 100 students in the last three years, have caused a tremendous strain on existing school facilities. Finally, there is a facilities gap in the area of vocational careers. The proposed new Career & Technology Center will provide the proper facilities to meet those needs.
What are the Improvements?• A new Career & Technology Center which will house a agriculture shop and classroom, business computer lab, vocation business area and support space.
• New science classroom and lab, health classroom, and nurse’s clinic at the Middle School.
• P.E. Pavilion at the Elementary School.
• District wide covered walkways at the spine of campus and across the front of campus.
• General Improvements ranging from roofing, flooring, ceiling, lighting and rest room upgrades district wide.
• New Bus Parking.
What is the Taxpayer’s Cost of this Bond Program?The Board of Trustees have called this bond election for $3.9 million. The tax rate requirement for the proposed bond issue is approximately 37¢/$100 valuation.
What Will it Cost Me?Due to State mandated reductions in school operating tax rates, the District’s taxpayer will receive an overall TAX RATE REDUCTION for next year even after the issuance of the proposed bonds. The District’s Total Tax Rate is currently $1.45 per $100 valuation. With the issuance of the proposed bonds, the Total Tax Rate for next year will be approximately $1.41 per $100 valuation or lower. This means a reduction of your taxes of approximately 4 cents per $100 valuation. If your property is valued at $27,000 after exemptions, you would have a tax payment decrease of approximately $11 with the issuance of the proposed bonds.
I’m over 65. Will my taxes increase?No. For those persons receiving the “Senior Citizen” exemption on their homestead, their tax bill cannot exceed the “frozen ceiling” if the new bonds are issued. If substantial improvements are made on the property, the property may be reappraised and a new ceiling set.
What ever happened with the successful 2004 bond proposal?In 2004, the District had hoped to qualify for State Assistance to help pay for the 2004 bond proposition that was approved by the community. During the bond campaign, the District promised the voters the 2004 Bonds would only be sold if State Assistance was available. Unfortunately, the District has not qualified for State Assistance since 2004. Therefore, the District has resolved to meet its facilities needs by requesting the $3.9 million bond package without relying on State Assistance. If the $3.9 million Bond proposition passes, the District will consider the 2004 bond authorization null.
For More Information Contact:Office of the Superintendent
Skidmore-Tynan Independent School District
Skidmore, Texas
(361) 287-3426