TxDOT representative Eddie Guernsey points out details of the expansion.
Local residents attended a special Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Public Meeting at the S-T Cafetorium Thursday. TxDOT representatives were on hand to answer questions about the proposed widening of Hwy 181 between Sinton and Skidmore to a four-lane divided highway.
The meeting was led by TxDOT Advance Project Development Engineer, Victor Vourcos. Mr. Vourcos explained that the project was born out of a need recognized in 1992 when Hurricane Andrew resulted in gridlocked evacuation routes throughout much of South Texas. In 1993-94, a TxDOT task force identified Hwy 181 as a prime target for expansion and in 1995 began purchasing the railroad right-of-way in preparation for the potential project. Mr. Vourcos outlined the benefits of the expansion including foremost, the easing of hurricane evacuation, increased safety, and greater vehicular capacity. Currently, 4,300 cars travel Hwy 181 per day and that number is expected to increase to 6,000 cars per day by the year 2020.
TxDOT representative Eddie Guernsey next addressed the audience. With the aid of satellite imagery, Mr. Guernsey took the audience on a mile-by-mile tour of the proposed expansion beginning at the intersection of Sullivan Street and Hwy 181. He explained that all intersections would be realigned at right angles to eliminate blind spots experienced by school buses and "ranchers hauling those big horse trailers." Crossovers with designated safe turn lanes would be placed approximately every 1/2 mile and at places where 181 intersected county roads. Mr. Guernsey explained that relatively little private property would be affected by the new roadway as the northbound lane would run roughly over the top of the former San Antonio & Aransas Pass railway line.
The cost of the project is estimate at $27 million dollars. If approved, construction is expected to begin in 2006 with the expansion of Hwy 181 between Sinton and St. Paul and continue to Skidmore in 2008. The entire project is scheduled for completion by 2009.
The presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session in which Mr. Vourcos explained that funding for the project was already earmarked, no homes or businesses would be displaced, and that TxDOT would work towards equitable reimbursement for any landowners whose property was affected by the project.
An aerial view of the intersection of 181 and SH 359. Yellow areas represent new or improved roadways. Pink areas represent "Right-of-ways to be acquired."