Thursday, November 13, 2003

Bobcat Little League Charges Full Speed Ahead.

Members of the Bobcat Little League Board of Directors held a regular meeting Tuesday evening in Room 17 of the High School Annex. Secretary Candy Chambers read the previous meeting minutes. It was noted that Darryl Hudson seconded one of that meeting's motions despite not being a member of the board. The board salutes Mr. Hudson's initiative but agreed that Roberts Rules of Order would be followed more closely in the future! The first topic of discussion was Monday's land-use approval by the S-T I.S.D Trustees. It was agreed that a survey of the property would be completed to determine the amount of leveling work required. President Keith Petrus volunteered the services of his brother's surveying company and plans to inform him of his generous donation in the near future. Wanda Wilson reported that the league charter had come in and that she would be traveling to Refugio to present the League Constitution to District Administrator, Olan McBroom. The Uniform Committee presented potential logo designs for the new league. Ed Wilson, chair of the Construction Committee, provided estimated materials costs for building the new field. Under old business, the Auxiliary Committee presented its report on fundraising ideas and it was agreed to schedule an auxiliary sponsored "cookoff" in March 2004. The exact date and food to be prepared will be determined at a future meeting. New business brought up at the meeting included the need to incorporate the league, open a bank account, and apply for tax-exempt status. The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm after a highly efficient 90 minute session. The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 2nd at 7:30 in Room 17 of the High School Annex.

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