Advertise on the Skidmore Signal for FREE!

This page is for the Skidmore community to advertise their garage sales, real estate, automobiles for sale, whatever...  Your classified item will be posted on this page, the Home page, on Facebook and Twitter.  Email the Skidmore Signal at or fill out the form below.  Thank you!

Volunteers Reporter Needed - Skidmore Signal
Have the gift for gab?  Or attend events in our area?  Sign up to be a Volunteer Reporter for the Skidmore Signal.  Not only will you help keep our community information on what is happening in the area, you will be giving back to your community at the same time.  If you are interested please contact me today.  The Skidmore Signal is a non-profit, so this position is a volunteer, non-paid position.  Work from home, make your own hours and work as much or as little as you want!