Wednesday, February 15, 2006

S-T ISD Trustees Refuse to Extend Administration Contracts

Trustees deliberated before a packed house at Monday's School Board meeting.

There was considerable controversy during the Monday, February 13, 2006 school board meeting. Most of the disagreement centered around employee salaries and contracts as two employees were denied immediate salary adjustments recommended by the Administration. Trustees also refused to extend Administrative contracts "across the board" including all three campus Principals and the Athletic Director.

In his report to the board, Superintendent Dr. Brett Belmarez spoke of continued improvements to the schools' restroom facilities as well as the addition of purple & gold benches throughout the campus. Dr. Belmarez reported he is a member of the Texas Association of School Administrators Legislative Committee and will be working hard on behalf of the Region during the next legislative session.

The board recognized Corey Markham, Jordan Haws, Josh Owen, and Garrett Gonzales for making the Texas Sports Writers Association All State football team, Tori O'Brien for her 1st Runner-Up finish in the Bee County Junior Livestock and Homemakers Show Queen contest, and local FFA and 4-H students who made the Special Sale in this year's stock show.

Several items on the Consent Agenda, normally approved with little fanfare, were pulled for discussion.

The first was Consideration and Possible Approval of Position Pay Increase. Dr. Belmarez explained that the salaries of two district employees at Pay Grades 3 and 6 were substantially out of alignment and below that of the other employees in those Pay Grades. Board President Rick Olivares suggested that it was "very inappropriate" to make the pay adjustments midway through the year and doing so might adversely affect employee morale. A lengthy discussion ensued, followed by a brief recess to allow Dr. Belmarez to sketch a graphical representation of the Pay Grade misalignments. Following the recess, Mr. Olivares presented a motion to make the pay increases effective at the beginning of the 2006-07 school year. Trustee Alice Gonzales attempted to amend Mr. Olivares motion to make the pay adjustments effective immediately per Administration's recommendation but her motion to amend failed for lack of a second. A vote on Mr. Olivares original motion passed 5-1 with Alice Gonzales the sole dissenting vote.

The second Consent Agenda item pulled for discussion was Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution to Request Distribution of Funds from the Bee County Permanent School Fund. This item was approved after brief discussion.

Consideration and Possible Approval of the Appointment of the School Health Advisory Council was the third and final Consent Agenda item pulled. In addition to Administrations list of recommended appointees, Trustee Israel Salinas presented a list of names he felt offered "a wider representation of local community values." Administration's proposed members agreeing to serve on the School Health Advisory Committee included: Administrator Robin Thomas, District Nurse Barbara Seger, Cafeteria Manager Hortencia Calderon, Junior High Health Teacher Maxie Beyer, and parents Sheri Cortez, Brenda Cassidy, Jerry Rodriguez, Vicky Stubenthal, and Sandy Gonzales Tolkein. Mr. Salinas' list included County Commissioner Ronnie Olivares, Clergyman Fernando Gonzales, and parents Jacque Smith, Velma Rosales, and Brenda Henshall. A motion to amend Administration's proposal to include Mr. Salinas' suggested appointees was made and passed unanimously.

At this point in the meeting, Trustees adjourned to closed session to discuss the Status of a Former Employee's Requested Greviance Hearing ( per Mr. Rick Olivares).

The board returned to open session at approximately 8:15 p.m. and addressed the following Action Items:

Consideration and Possible Approval of Personnel Recommendation(s).
The board unanimously approved the hiring of Jennifer Chambers in the position of Pre K Teacher as recommended by Administration.

Consideration and Possible Approval of Employment Contracts for Administrative Personnel.
Administration recommended 3 year term contracts to 2009 be approved for the following District employees:

Robin Thomas, Director of Grants, Special Programs, and Testing
Adam Arroyo, Athletic Director
Patty Holubec, High School Principal
Lawrence Carranco, Junior High Principal
Letricia Vasquez, Elementary Principal
Carole Estes, Business Manager

A motion by Alice Gonzales to approve the contracts as recommended by Administration was seconded by Ysrael Salinas and failed by a 4-2 vote. Board President Rick Olivares' call for another motion was met with silence, prompting Dr. Belmarez to present the Administrative recommendation a second time. With no motion from the board, President Rick Olivares made a motion that "in the best interests of the District, all administrators be employed under contract until 2008" - as is already stated in their existing contracts. At this point Dr. Belmarez asked the board president if he could make a comment to which Mr. Olivares replied "No sir, you may not." "I'll make a comment" said Dr. Belmarez "that this is not in the best interests of the District." A vote was called and the motion passed by a 4-2 vote.

Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Expenses Incurred by Board President.
This item refers to a legal fee in the amount of $45.00 incurred by Board President Rick Olivares in October of 2005 when he directed a newspaper reporter to contact the District's attorney directly. As Board Policy requires that all contact with the District's attorney be routed through the Superintendent, the invoice represented an unauthorized expense to the District. After much discussion the board agreed to pay the invoice by a 4-2 vote.

Consideration and Possible Approval of 2006-07 School Year Calendar.
This item was approved.

Consideration and Possible Call for May 2006 School Board Trustee Election [two (2) three-year expired term positions, and one (1) one-year unexpired term position] with Designation of Polling Place .
This item was approved. Early voting and regular voting will both take place at the S-T ISD Central Administration Building. The terms of the seats occupied by Mrs. Alice Gonzales, Mrs. Minnie McGee and Mr. Esequiel Ortiz are expiring in May 2006. School Board Trustee Election to occur on Saturday, May 13, 2006, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Early voting is set for May 1 – 6 (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) with May 6th being the early voting Saturday and also May 8 – 9 (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Consideration and Possible Appointment of May 2006 School Board Trustee Election Judges and Maximum Number of Election Clerks .
The board approved the following appointments: 2006 Trustee Election Election Judge Domingo Aguilar of Tynan, Alternate Election Judge Christine Soto of Sinton, and Early Voting Ballot Board Judge Diana Taylor of Tynan.

Consideration and Possible Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Use of Direct Recording Electronic Voting Machines for Election after January 1, 2006 .
This item was approved.

Consideration and Possible Action on the Status of a Former Employee's Requested Greviance Hearing (per Mr. Rick Olivares).
Mr. Olivares pulled this item from the agenda.

The next meeting of the S-T ISD Trustees is scheduled Monday, March 27, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

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