Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gutierrez Represents South Texas at National Student Leadership Congress

Left to right: Johnathon Ramon, Beeville Tx., Ricky Gutierrez, Skidmore Tx., Kendra Garza, Falfurrias Tx., and Alyssa Ordonez, Alice Tx. (not Pictured) Rocky Venecia, Pettus Tx.

Skidmore-Tynan's Ricky Gutierrez was among five area students nominated by TRIO Counselors to represent the Southern region of Texas at the 17th Annual National Student Leadership Congress. The students spent six days in our Nation's Capitol in Washington D.C. learning key elements of effective leadership, participating in workshops on decision-making and problem-solving, participating in community building through service, learning and participating in the political process and coalition building, multiculturalism and diversity, attended Mock Congress ,meeting with their Members of Congress, and visiting historical and cultural sites.

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