Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Bobcat Little League Schedules Fundraisers.

The Bobcat Little League board of directors met Tuesday, Dec. 2 at Chisholm Trail Cafe to discuss the upcoming season. The league has completed a survey of the school property on which the new ballpark is to be built and is coordinating with donors and volunteers for the materials and labor to construct the field. A field work-day was tentatively scheduled for January 10, 2004. It was agreed that board members would begin taking sponsorship checks so that funds will be available when it comes time to open a league bank account. Several fundraising ideas were discussed including a bake sale, scheduled on the 10th of January, and a fajita and sausage wrap sale on the 17th. Looking a bit further ahead, the league will sponsor a cook-off fundraiser March 19-20, 2004. A raffle was also discussed and the league plans to call area businesses for donations. The next meeting was scheduled for December 16, 2003, 7:30 pm at the Chisholm Trail Cafe.

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