Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans Needs Our Support

On a recent visit to New Orleans, I sat next to an elderly woman on a streetcar. She was obviously a local, so I struck up a conversation. She politely answered my questions about the area attractions and at what stop to exit the car. We had quite a long conversation as we rattled along the length of Canal Street and, while I do not recall her name, I can't help wondering if she and her family were able to escape the city before the storm hit.

I'll never know the fate of my helpful lady friend or if she is among the refugees desperately awaiting transport our of the city. But I do know that there are thousands just like her who need YOUR help now. Please click here to donate what you can to the Red Cross relief effort. Together we can help put this horrible ordeal behind the people of New Orleans and speed the recovery of their historic city.

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