Saturday, March 13, 2004

Judge Hayes Diary Records 1902 Fire

Carol Dubois presented the Signal with the 1902 Diary of her great grandfather, W. R. Hayes. In it he describes one of the big fires that occurred after the turn of the century. In his own words:

January, Tues 14 Rain commenced to fall this morning at 5 a.m. and continued with high East wind until noon. Probably 2 inches fell. It was a great helping to the country.

January, Wed 15 Norther this morning. Tolerably cold - Took Mr. Kuanoe(?) and Amado and worked in Fadden lane making 2 gates for Mr. Crow. Went there after working at the fire from 3 a.m. and writing account below for Post and one for Picayune. I didn't awake until the 3 buildings were in flames - though I helped to save a small building used by Benham as Drug Store.

THE TEXAS FIRE RECORD - Heavy Losses in Buildings and Goods at Skidmore - The Spread of the Flames Was Prevented by the Heavy Rain of Yesterday. - Skidmore, Texas, January 15. - At 3 o'clock this morning a fire occurred here that within an hour caused the following losses: R.J. Turner, saloon, building $1500, stock $2200; Henry Kruetzer building, occupied by J.B. Brown, $1000; J.B. Brown, general store, stock $3500; W.R. Miller, building $700, stock of goods $3300; drug store of C.W. Benham scorched by fire and damaged, but saved, including barber shop of Lee Tremble; no insurance. Turner has $1000 insurance on building and $1500 on stock; J.B. Brown, $2500 insurance; W.R. Miller, insurance on building $300, stock $2200. The fire was probably of incendiary origin. Other buildings would have been burned only for the heavy rain of yesterday.

January, Thur 16 Cool & Pleasant. With same hands worked with wheel scraper hauling cinders and leaving(?) them along sidewalks to prevent mud. The ruins are still burning, at least the blocks and sills are, and a great many people standing around and hunting in fire for irons(?) - Amado worked for Kichler(?)

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