Saturday, April 17, 2004

Rattlesnake Warning

Snake bit.

Wanda Mortensen writes in this week's Skidmore Sketches about the danger of Rattlesnakes. The article was accompanied by a photo of her son, Garret Mortensen, holding a 4 foot rattler killed just south of Skidmore. The danger of snakebites can be attested by many including the unfortunate "Ruger" pictured above who found himself trapped in his dog-run with a large rattlesnake (judging by the size of the bite marks). The snake has so far escaped capture but Ruger's owner, Larry Butler, has pledged swift justice should the perpetrator return to the scene of the crime. The canine victim was fortunate to have been bitten on the ear, where there are fewer blood vessels to transport venom to the heart, and is expected to make a full recovery.

In all fairness, Rattlesnakes get a pretty bum rap. What other snake is polite enough to try to warn you with a rattle before it bites? For more information about snake bites and how to avoid them, see Snakes Not So Charming in the Wild. And while we're on the subject, here's a link to a cocktail called the Texas Rattlesnake and a recipe for Fried Rattlesnake. "Mrs. Mortensen, let us know how that tastes."

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